Energising Your Life
Connect. Play. Transform.
We all encounter struggles in our lives, at one time or another. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you, and you can feel like your world is falling apart. Just when you thought you had it all together, stuff happens, or you get triggered by certain relationships or events.
But inside each one of us is an inner doctor, and knowing how to listen to that voice is paramount to feeling better no matter what is happening in your life.
Everyone has a creative self, even if you aren’t an artist or a musician. When you know how to embrace and celebrate your creative self, you open a doorway to powerful ways to energise and heal your everyday life.
Releasing stress whilst having fun is just one of the benefits. Energising Your Life’s course, Art of Being You, aims to provide insights into key issues in your life, and offers you the tools for feeling better.
Helen Allen, Holistic Fitness Instructor (Nia Black Belt) and Wellbeing Coach has held workshops in Russia, Greece, South Africa, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Jersey Isles and has been coaching individual clients since 2004.
Art of Being You is her 8-week course that has emerged from her years of helping people to connect with their creative and intuitive selves for the purpose of their wellbeing.
Soon you can have access to all those tools through this online training.
Video: Interview with Helen Allen about the healing power of intuitive painting
A window to your inner world, visualisation is a powerful way to surface the unconscious drive directing your life and shaping your health.

Above: Surrender – intuitive painting by Helen Allen
Video: Helen Allen in Nia Black Belt training (London), with Nia founder, Debbie Rosas
“Helen Allen is a spiritual artist who helps people to create a life that is profoundly healing, joyful, and loving.”
Robert Holden (Ph.D.) – Psychologist and Author

8-week online course:

Week 1
Art of Being You
Inspiration and support for improving your wellbeing

Week 2
Understanding Yourself
Listening to and aligning with your authentic self

Week 3
Understanding deeper issues that affect you

Week 4
Practical steps to reclaiming your wellbeing

Week 5
There’s always a way to feel better

Week 6
Being in the zone with effortless power

Week 7
Your path to inner peace

Week 8
Always in a place of receiving
Energising Your Life (EYL)
Learn how to embrace and celebrate your creative self. Why? Because it holds powerful ways to heal your life and make you feel full of enrgy and joy.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he (she) grows up.
Setting aside a time and a place for your inner child to “play” is paramount to allowing transformation to happen.
Energising Your Life courses provide a safe space where you can connect with your feelings, gain valuable insights, play and transform!
The freedom of letting go in a creative space leads you to feeling inspired.
Energise your body, mind and spirit
- Discover simple ways to feel more energised
- Learn how to improve your health
- Calm your mind, find your flow, release stress
- Gain new insights into key issues in your life

Sense. Connect. Receive.
Ignoring your feelings will only lead to misery. Even if you feel bad about something now, that part of you wants to be felt, to be heard, to be accepted, to be loved. By you.
Sense where your feeling resides in your body. Connect with your feeling. Receive the message it has come to tell you.
Energising Your Life (EYL) will soon be releasing its first online course: Art of Being You. This 8-week training has evolved out of the successful retreats and workshops Helen has held in Russia, Greece, South Africa, Israel, Jersey and the UK since 2004.
Soon you will be able to enjoy the benefits of this training from the comfort of your own home.
Energise. Enjoy. Now.
Making the effort to respond to yourself in a way that nurtures, nourishes and energises you is a fundamental commitment needed to enable the process of self healing. Working with Helen, you will:
Gain new insights into key issues in your life
Discover simple ways to feel more energised
Improve your wellbeing using your natural creativity
Find your flow and release stress naturally
Tune into your body and calm your mind
To explore how working with Helen can help resolve your issues, message Helen via the “Contact” page, or call on +44 (20) 83719333. One-to-one sessions are being held via Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts.
I really got a lot out of the creative visualisations and the intuitive painting. Images that came up during that part of the workshop, have carried on working for me.
It totally got me out of my mind and into my body. Because I have so much mental busyness, mental exercises don’t help me get into my body! It was better for me to do something to get me into my body!
Helen is a wonderful facilitator. She beautifully held the space with empathy, respect and kindness. I left feeling open, inspired, creative, energised and balanced. Her varied training is a gift to all those she works with.
Thank you for the wonderful workshop. It was inspiring, uplifting and left me with much to process in the days that followed.
Wish I could have stayed for longer and longer!